The knowledge based economy, which is based upon researches with the special focus on poverty and hunger alleviation; and problems solving of common man, is imperative to achieve the Millennium Development Goal and to address the problems of poor people especially in the third world countries.

The knowledge based economy, which is based upon researches with the special focus on poverty and hunger alleviation; and problems solving of common man, is imperative to achieve the Millennium Development Goal and to address the problems of poor people especially in the third world countries. It was echoed at the introductory session of International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD) PhD Workshop 2015 with the core concept of ICDD research arranged at the University of Agriculture Faisalabad. The workshop was funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The formal inauguration of the eight-day workshop will be held today (Thursday) at the New Senate Hall, UAF. Addressing on the occasion, Dr Christoph Scherrer from University of Kassel, Germany said that ICDD was an international multi-disciplinary network of universities from eight countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe headquartered at the University of Kassel, Germany. He said that being the global think tank network, we are focusing on the United Nations MDG to achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all. He urged the scientists to solve the real world issues with the help of interdisciplinary approaches to serve humanity. He said that the trained manpower was the one of major tools to end poverty from the globe. Dr Andreas Burkert from University of Kassel, Germany.said that the ICDD is promoting the interdisciplinary knowledge generation through the courses at different level. In the funding phase 2015-2019, doctoral thesis relating to five core research topics including Decent Work along agricultural values chains; organizing the informal economy; rural welfare ; rural urban linkages; livestock and social protection; and rethinking development cooperation. He said the ICDD is meant to create and transfer knowledge on creating and improving work and income opportunities in rural and urban regions of developing countries keeping in view globalization, climate change etc. It encompasses various disciplines such as agricultural science, , sociology, and economics. Principal Officer Students Affairs Prof Dr Muhammad Younas, Dr Izhar Ahmad and other notables also spoke. It is worth mentioning here that the partner universities include University of Kassel Germany; University of Agriculture Faisalabad (Pakistan); University of Cape Coast (Ghana); University of Witwatersrand (South Africa); Egerton University ( Kenya); Tata Institute of Social Sciences (India ); Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan (Mexico); Universidade Estaduale de Campinas ( Brazil) and International Labour Organization.