Dr. Hammad Badar

Associate Professor
Institute of Business Management Sciences


Journal Articals




Avg. Impact Factor

Full Name: Dr. Hammad Badar
Designation: Associate Professor
Qualification: Ph.D.
Specialization: Agribusiness and Marketing
Research Areas: Value chains, Consumer Behavior, Agribusiness, Agricultural Marketing
Address: Institute of Business Management Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Phone (Office): +92419200161 - Ext.
EMail (Primary): hammad.badar@uaf.edu.pk
HEC Approved Supervisor: Yes
External Profile(s): LinkedIn Google Scholar
Sr# Pub. Date Title Authors Journals Pages Imp. Fact. ISSN (Online) ISSN (Print) DOI URL HEC Cat.
1 2023-11-01 Unravelling consumer preferences and segments: Implications for Pakistan mandarin industry development through market relocation Authors Land, 12 (5) 953-970 3.90 2073-445X 10.3390/land12050953 W
Sr# Conf. Date Title Authors Conference ISSN (Online) ISSN (Print) DOI Duration URL
Sr# Pub. Date Title Authors Edition Volume Publisher ISBN URL
1 2011-05-24 Marketing of Agricultural Products in Pakistan: Theory & Practice Authors 1 - Higher Education Commission of Pakistan
2 2023-10-24 Marketing of Agricultural Products in Pakistan: Theory & Practice Authors 1 Higher Education Commission of Pakistan
3 2023-11-01 Marketing of Agricultural Products in Pakistan: Theory & Practice Authors 2011 Higher Education Commission of Pakistan 978-969-417-162-3
4 2011-05-30 Marketing of Agricultural Products in Pakistan: Theory & Practice Authors 2011 Higher Education Commission of Pakistan 978-969-417-162-3