Dr. Ahmad Din

Assistant Professor
National Institute of Food Science and Technology


Journal Articals




Avg. Impact Factor

Full Name: Dr. Ahmad Din
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D.
Specialization: Fruits and vegetable processing . 18 years of research experience in beverage technology .
Research Areas: Fruits and vegetable processing. Product developement and Beverage technology.
Address: National Institute of Food Science and Technology
Phone (Office): +92419201430 - Ext. 3043
EMail (Primary): ahmad.din@uaf.edu.pk
HEC Approved Supervisor: Yes
External Profile(s): LinkedIn Google Scholar
Sr# Pub. Date Title Authors Journals Pages Imp. Fact. ISSN (Online) ISSN (Print) DOI URL HEC Cat.
1 2008-04-18 Wheat Gluten: High Molecular wt. glutenin subunits-structure, genetics, and relation to dough elasticity. Authors food science, () 3.69 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2007.00292.x None
2 2015-06-01 Development and application of edible skin coatings to improve the quality of kinnow during storage. Acta Scientia rum, Technology Maringa, 37(1): 111-116. Authors Food Technology, 37 () 0.66 https://doi.org/10.4025/actascitechnol.v37i1.19940 None
3 2023-05-18 Development, standardization, physico-chemical and nutritional analysis of biscuits developed with different replacement levels of pumpkin flesh powder. J. Agric. Res, 61(1). Authors agree. Rec, 61 () 0.00 2076-7897 (Online) / ISSN: 0368-1157 https://doi.org/10.58475/2023.61.2.1813 None
4 2019-05-18 • Din, A. Nadeem, M. Parveen, S. Khan, M. R. Munir, M. Mahmood, A. Luqman, M. 2019. Development and Stability of Bioactive Compounds in Carbonated Black Iced Tea Beverage. Proceedings of the Pakistan academy of sciences 56(4): 1-14. Authors B. Life and Environmental Science, () 0.00 2518-4261 (print), ISSN 2518-427X None
Sr# Conf. Date Title Authors Conference ISSN (Online) ISSN (Print) DOI Duration URL
Sr# Pub. Date Title Authors Edition Volume Publisher ISBN URL
1 2011-02-09 Barley β-Glucan: Functional Beverage for Chronic Diseases Management Authors 13: 978-3-8443-0782-5 https://www.morebooks.de/store/gb/book/barley-%CE%B2-glucan:-functional-beverage-for-chronic-diseases-management/isbn/978-3-8443-0782-5
2 2020-05-18 introduction to food packaging technology Authors 978-969-7594-11-5